Catalogue Auction Information

ONLINE TIMED AUCTION DAY ONE - Ireland's Monthly Plant & Machinery Auction - Ends From 10.30am Wednesday 24th January (#240100)
12/01/2024 9:30 AM GMT - 24/01/2024 4:32 PM GMT
Starts Ending 24/01/2024 10:32 AM GMT

Lot #25962013 Museborogh Tri Axle Remote Steer Drop Neck Low Loader - Extends To 9.6M

Click image to enlarge
Lot closed - Provisional

ONLINE TIMED AUCTION DAY ONE - Ireland's Monthly Plant & Machinery Auction - Ends From 10.30am Wednesday 24th January (#240100)
12/01/2024 9:30 AM GMT - 24/01/2024 4:32 PM GMT
Starts Ending 24/01/2024 10:32 AM GMT