Catalogue Auction Information

ONLINE TIMED AUCTION DAY TWO - Ireland's Monthly No Reserve Hire Company, Tool & Equipment Auction - Ends From 9:30am 7th of October (#210124)
22/09/2021 9:30 AM GMT+1 - 07/10/2021 7:17 PM GMT+1
Starts Ending 07/10/2021 9:27 AM GMT+1

Lot #3646Mag Drill

Click image to enlarge
Lot closed - Provisional

ONLINE TIMED AUCTION DAY TWO - Ireland's Monthly No Reserve Hire Company, Tool & Equipment Auction - Ends From 9:30am 7th of October (#210124)
22/09/2021 9:30 AM GMT+1 - 07/10/2021 7:17 PM GMT+1
Starts Ending 07/10/2021 9:27 AM GMT+1

  • Mag Drill
  • Mag Drill - 2
  • Mag Drill - 3
  • Mag Drill - 4